Operation Blueprint

Our Color-Coded System For Understanding Your Repairs

LED modules come to our repair centers with many different issues and a variety of conditions. We want our clients to understand exactly what we’ve done and any areas of concern. To make this simple we have developed our three-sticker Operation Blueprint.

Our Operation Blueprint

Our red, yellow, and green sticker system will let you know the condition of your equipment after repair.

Green Stickers

You can think of a green sticker as a gold star of approval. The 725Co. team has worked its magic on this section and the repair is good to go. This part of your module should be working as good as new!

Yellow Stickers

A yellow sticker is a gentle tap on the shoulder, reminding us to give a pixel a little extra love, even if it’s already putting on a brave face. But here’s the scoop: if we spot a single dead pixel on a previous repair with multiple damaged pixels in the same area that doesn’t meet our standards, we’ll recommend removing the entire previous repair and re-repairing the damaged area. 

This warning will count not just as a regular repair damage, but it will be categorized as either Moderate, Severe or Extreme Severe depending on the number of pixels. If you don’t agree to this, we’ll add one of our yellow stickers and only claim the repair of the single pixel, even if the rest look burnt, damaged, or not up to our standards.

Red Stickers

A red sticker means we’ve spotted a dodgy previous repair not carried out by our team. While the call is up to you, we recommend you let our repair heroes swoop in to save the day before the damage causes problems.

red sticker
725 icon

Trust the LED Repair Experts

If you have questions about our Operation Blueprint or are looking for repair services, we would be happy to help. When 725Co. handles your repair, you can depend on perfect, green-sticker results. Contact us today to learn more.